Unifi Protocol 如何打造跨链 De火币网平仓之后以提取本金嘛Fi 资产交易新桥梁

新暴富 & Unifi Protocol】AMA 访谈

嘉宾:Juliun Brabon

Unifi 创始人、Sesameseed 创始人&首席执行官

以下为 AMA 实录:


欢迎大家来参加新暴富社区和 Unifi Protocol 举办的 AMA,我是今天的主持人 暴富小可爱, 在开始之前我先简单介绍下新暴富社区(ChainDao)和 Unifi。

新暴富社区(ChainDAO)是一个自治的社区组织,由多名核心成员及广泛的志愿者共同组成 。我们旨在为区块链投资者提供最新最权威的项目信息,为区块链项目方提供优质的服务。我们的社区成员由区块链行业内经验丰富的从业者组成,工作于或创立过多个中国业界知名公司&产品,行业资源人脉丰富,以确保我们能为投资者和项目方提供全方位的服务。

如果还没有关注我们的公众号,可以关注下哦~ 微信号:fisshell

Unifi 是由海外大型社区 Sesameseed 独立开发的一组跨链 DeFi 基础设施,现已上线波场和本体版本的去中心化交易平台 uTrade。


Juliun Brabon:

Hello Everyone, My name is Juliun Brabon, I’m the CEO of Unifi Protocol and Sesameseed. I co-founded Sesameseed in early 2018, which today is one of the largest communities on Tron, Ontology and Harmony.

We are a very much decentralized team made of community member really, and have been driving the concept of community governance since inception.

大家好,我是 Juliun Brabon,我是 Unifi Protocol 和 Sesameseed 的 CEO。我在 2018 年初与我的同事们共同创立了 Sesameseed,现在它是波场、本体和和谐上最大的社区之一。实际上,我们是一个非常分散的团队,由社区成员组成,并且自成立以来就一直在推动社区治理的概念。

好,我们现在正式的开始 AMA 的第一环节,对嘉宾进行精选问题提问。


Could you please describe what is Unifi Protocol in few simple sentences to our Community? 您能用几个简单的句子向我们的社区描述什么是Unifi协议吗?


Juliun Brabon: Sure, Unifi Protocol is a group of non-custodial, interoperable, decentralized, and multi-chain smart contracts providing the building blocks for the next generation of DeFi development, focusing on building a community-driven ecosystem of governance and innovative DeFi products.

Today Unifi has developed from the ground up a series of smart contracts similar to other Defi Exchanges, that allows for Individuals to provide liquidity and earn a share of the protocol fees in a sustainable way. These are live Tron, and Ontology MainNet today with Harmony Onboarding later this week and others in the near future.`

当然,Unifi 协议是一组非托管、可互操作、去中心化和多链的智能合约,为下一代 DeFid 开发提供了构建模块,它专注于构建社区驱动的治理生态系统和创新的 DeFi 产品。

今天,Unifi 已经发展出一系列类似于其他 Defi 交易所的智能合约,允许个人提供流动性,并以可持续的方式赚取一部分的协议费用。它已经在 Tron, Ontology 等主网上上线,并将在本周晚些时候和不久的将来推出 Harmony 版的 uTrade。


What are the advantages of Unifi Protocol compared to other alternatives in the Blockchain field? 与区块链领域的其他替代方案相比,Unifi 协议有哪些优势?


Juliun Brabon: When building Unifi, we really thought through the existing systems (balancer, uniswap, bancor) and identified some areas we could improve to make the economy surrounding these systems more sustainable. Some of the most important changes we made were to the rewards mechanism, which unlike other protocols happens entirely on chain and is managed by the smart contracts.

This mechanism also allows the value of the rewards that individuals earn to increase over time.

In addition unifi is designed to be a cross chain defi platform allowing communities from different blockchains to easily move into and out of different ecosystems.



What are the advantages of UP tokens over other tokens? What benefits can be obtained by holding it?UP 代币相对于其他代币有什么优势?持有它可以获得什么好处?


Juliun Brabon: UP token is pretty unique in this space, UP is a 100% reserve token, meaning it is actually backed within the smart contract by an amount of base Tokens (Tron, or ONTd for example).

UP is minted is minted according to a formula of Redeem Value -10%. This means that UP is always backed by more and more base tokens after every trade. On Tron for example, the blockchain launched with a backing of 1 trx per UP, today every up in circulation is backed by 6.25+ trx, and this amount increases after every trade.

The benefits of holding are are baked into the economics, the more the platform is utilized the more the redeemable value of up increases.

In addition to this, at a point in the near future UP will be convertible to UNFI if the holder chooses, which is the unique cross chain governance token designed around our protocol to allow for multi chain governance.

UP 代币在这个领域非常独特,UP 是一个 100%保留代币,这意味着它实际上在智能契约中由大量基础代币(例如 Tron 或 ONTd)支持。它是根据赎回价值-10%的公式来铸造的。这意味着在每次交易后,UP 总是由越来越多的基础代币支持。以 TRON 为例,区块链发行时的涨幅是 1 trx,今天流通中的涨幅是 6.25+ trx,而且每次交易后这个数字都会增加。

持有股票的好处体现在经济上,平台被利用得越多,up 的可赎回价值就会增加得越多。

除此之外,在不久的将来,如果持有者选择的话,UP 将转换为 UNFI 以允许多链治理,UNFI 是围绕我们的协议设计的唯一跨链治理代币。


We hear Unifi is launching a new governance token, and it seems to be your core priority. Can you describe what it is and what it will do?我们听说Unifi正在启动一个新的治理代币,这似乎是您的核心优先事项。您能描述一下它是什么以及它将做什么吗?


Juliun Brabon: The Unifi Token (UNFI) is a proof of liquidity earnings token which provides unique trading and arbitrage opportunities, exclusive opportunities access, and global protocol governance. UNFI harnesses the potential of liquidity providers’ UP tokens from integrated blockchains by linking all platforms across the entire multi-chain Unifi Protocol into one global governance token.

As a liquidity provider you can earn the sustainable UP token reward, whos value is designed to increase over time, and you can choose to migrate these into UNFI if you wish to participate in governance activities, which are also rewarded for individual participation.

Unifi 令牌(UNFI)是流动性收益代币的证明,它提供独特的交易和套利机会、独家访问机会和全球协议治理。UNFI 通过将整个多链 Unifi 协议的所有平台连接到一个全球治理代币当中,有效利用了流动性提供商从集成区块链中获取 UP 令牌的潜力。

作为流动性提供者,您可以获得可持续的 UP 代币奖励,其价值会随着时间的推移而增加,并且如果您希望参与治理活动,也可以选择将这些转移到 UNFI 中,而个人也会因参与这些活动获得奖励。


Now that the community has adapted to the Uniswap, Balancer. etc, what is Unifi Protocol view on this?and how can Unifi Protocol tackle this to stay ahead? 现在,社区已适应 Uniswap,Balancer 等等,Unifi protocol 对此有何看法?Unifi protocol 如何解决这个问题以保持领先地位?


Juliun Brabon: Defi has already made a significant impact on this industry, I believe it will play an essential role in our future, Its already demonstrated the need to better distribute fee’s (from lending, trading etc) to the community, or individuals holding crypto assets. I don’t think this core concept will ever go away, as its been a promise of the industry, to take control of your finances and earn directly off of it since day 1.

Unifi Protocol was developed 100% in house from scratch we didn’t just take what was out there and port to new blockchains, we took the past 2.5 years of community building experience and cross chain governance and designed a new series of Defi Contracts with this in mind.

Its why you see a more sustainable rewards token (UP).

Cross chain functionality and Cross Chain Governance from the start.

Defi 已经对这个行业产生了重大的影响,我相信它将在我们的未来扮演重要的角色,它已经表明这个行业需要更好地分配费用(从贷款,交易等)给社区或个人持有的加密资产。我不认为这个核心概念将永远不会消失,因为它是行业的承诺,从第一天开始就控制你的财务并直接从中获利。

Unifi 协议完全是我们自己从头开始开发的,我们不只是把现有的东西移植到新的区块链上,我们花了 2.5 年的时间进行社区建设和跨链管理,并以此为基础设计了一系列新的 Defi 合约。这就是为什么你会看到一个更可持续的奖励代币(UP)。跨链功能和跨链治理从一开始。


Unifi’s token economic model involves four types tokens: UP, uL, SEED and UNFI. What are the roles they play in the protocol? Unifi 的通证经济模型涉及到四个代币:UP、uL、SEED 和 Unifi 代币 UNFI,这四种代币在 Unifi 的通证经济模型中相互发挥怎样的作用?


Juliun Brabon: UNFI Token — (Global Governance) The global governance token for the entire multi-chain protocol and the public face of the Unifi Protocol to be listed on major exchanges. This is the token that brings the entire Unifi ecosystem together and unites all Unifi users behind incentivized community governance.

UP Token — (Unlimited Potential Token) The liquidity mining token earned by liquidity providers. UP earns a share of fees from every trade in every pool on the platform. UP also provides exclusive access to protocol specific opportunities to acquire UNFI.

uL Tokens — (Liquidity Token)This classification of token can take many forms, as it is a representation of the liquidity funds provided by a user to a particular pool. uL tokens allow liquidity providers to claim the UP tokens they have mined.

SEED — (Rewards Token) SEED is a multi-chain staking rewards token, generated by Sesameseed’s node rewards on multiple blockchains. Traders earn SEED as a loyalty bonus. SEED automatically stakes on multiple blockchains and compounds staking rewards daily.

UNFI 代币—(统一治理代币):整个多链协议的统一治理代币和 Unifi 协议的公开面孔,将在主流交易所上线。这是将整个 Unifi 生态系统整合在一起并使所有 Unifi 用户团结在激励性社区治理背后的代币。

UP 代币—(无限潜力代币):流动性提供者赚取的流动性挖矿代币。UP 从平台每个池中的每笔交易中分得一部分费用。UP 还提供协议专用机会的独家访问权,以获取 UNFI。

uL 代币—(流动性代币):这种代币的分类可以采用多种形式,它表示用户向特定池提供了流动资金。uL 代币使流动性提供者可以申领他们已经开采的 UP。

SEED —(奖励代币):SEED 是由 Sesameseed 在多个区块链上运营节点所分发的 staking 奖励。交易用户可以赚取 SEED 作为忠诚度福利。SEED 每天自动化在多个区块链和合成产品上进行抵押以获得奖励。


What is the migration rate between UP and Unifi tokens?UP 和 Unifi 令牌之间的转换率是多少?


Juliun Brabon: UP and UNFI have a very interesting relationship. Since UNFI is the global governance token, it links all the entire multi-chain Unifi model together. Each blockchain Unifi is on will have a relationship with, and interaction with, the UNFI token. How this happens has not yet been announced, but it is something that will be out very soon.

We have seen how desirable DeFi governance tokens are, and I expect UNFI will be no different. There are only 10,000,000 UNFI tokens total, and over half of those are set aside for Liquidity Miners and Ecosystem Development. For those who want UNFI, the best thing they can do is earn UP by providing liquidity to Unifi. UP holders will have an opportunity to get UNFI tokens that is exclusive only to those who hold UP tokens.

UP 和 UNFI 有非常有趣的关系。由于 UNFI 是统一治理代币,因此它将整个多链 Unifi 模型链接在一起。Unifi 所在的每个区块链都将与 UNFI 代币产生联系并相互作用。具体机制尚未公布,但很快就会揭晓。

在目前市场上,我们已经看到大家对于 DeFi 治理代币的需求,我希望 UNFI 也是如此。UNFI 代币总数只有 1000 万,其中一半以上留给了流动性矿工和生态系统。对于那些想要 UNFI 的人来说,他们能做的最好的事情就是通过向 Unifi 提供流动资金来赚钱。UP 持有者将有机会获得对其专门开放的 UNFI 代币。


We often hear that some Defi platforms has been hacked, talking about the quality of the Defi platform’s security. How confident Unifiprotocol to ensure the safety of financial system platform? 我们经常听到一些 Defi 平台被黑客攻击,谈论的是 Defi 平台安全性的质量。Unifiprotocol 是否有信心确保金融系统平台的安全?


Juliun Brabon : This is so unfortunate, but its true. We can take a look at some of the most recent hacks, and they mostly happen because though many aspects of the underlying protocol are decentralized, they aren’t completely decentralized an on chain. This is why we’ve seen rewards mechanisms hacked and we’ve seen governance and minting mechanisms hacked.

Unifi has both of these mechanisms built into the smart contracts, there is no server running in the back ground sending our rewards or determining tokens to mint. There is no master login that can manipulate the system in such a way. Its designed in such a way that there are no keys to hack.

To reassure the community that these statements im making are true, we’ve had Unfi and all associated contracts audited by a very reputable 3rd party (slow mist) and are happy to announce we passed.


Unifi 则在智能合约中内置了这两种机制,没有服务器在后台运行来发送我们的奖励或决定令牌。没有主登录可以以这种方式操作系统。它的设计方式就是这样的,没有钥匙可以破解。

而且为了让社区相信我的声明是真实的,我们已经让 Unfi 和所有相关的合约由一个非常有信誉的第三方(slow mist)审计,并很高兴地宣布我们通过了审核。


what are the major milestones Unifi Protocol achieved so far & what are in future pipeline? Unifi 协议到目前为止已实现的主要里程碑是什么?


Juliun Brabon: Unfi Protocol has Launched on Tron and Ontology, we’ve been expanding these platforms, watching UP grow, and adding new tokens on a routine basis.

Later this week we will be Launching pTokens on Ontology (pBTW, prenBTC, pUNI, etc). We are also launching Unifi Protocol on the Harmony blockchain this week.

these will be followed by another major milestone for the platform, Derivatives.

Following these near term rollouts, we’re going to be launching Unifi Protocol on many other blockchains, including Ethereum, and finally launching the UNFI token, which will bring with it our governance platform, rewards model, etc.

Unfi 协议已经在 Tron 和 Ontology 上发布了,我们一直在扩展这些平台,看着 UP 成长,并在日常基础上添加新的代币。

本周晚些时候,我们将发布本体上的 ptoken (pBTW, prenBTC, pUNI 等)。本周我们还将在 Harmony 区块链上发布 Unifi 协议。


在这些近期的发布之后,我们将在包括 Ethereum 在内的许多区块链上推出 Unifi 协议,并最终推出 UNFI 令牌,它将带来我们的治理平台、奖励模式等。


Some voices in the community believe that the popularity of DeFi has been declining. What do you think? How do you think DeFi will develop in the future? 社区有声音认为,目前 DeFi 的热度已经在降低了,您是如何看待的?您认为后续 DeFi 将会如何发展?


Juliun Brabon: The entire blockchain industry is only just starting. Saying that any portion of it is declining assumes there is no room for more innovation. Sesameseed has been on the front lines of i火币网比特币的交易手续费nnovation for almost 3 years now. We created the first multi-chain staking rewards token, and have been leaders in cross chains tokenomics by developing technology and systems that never before existed. The first wave of DeFi might be over but that is only because the next generation of innovators, like Unifi, are starting to gain. There is much innovation yet to be had in DeFi, and that is why Unifi built a protocol instead of a product. Being a protocol allows adaptability, provides room for innovation, and allows us to tap into the ever-growing communities of developers who can help us keep Unifi an industry leader for years to come. Unifi already has a bounty page and has awarded several community developers for building onto the protocol. Once Unifi has the full multi-chain system operational, I expect no one will be creating yet another clone of Uniswap, they will be building onto Unifi.



暴富用户 1:



Juliun Brabon:Well, the interesting thing about uTrade is that all UP holders benefit even in this scenario. This is what makes Unifi so friendly to yield farmers. I would like to point out that uTrade has a maximum trade limit of 1% of available liquidity, which means users on the platform can’t make a mistake and lose their whole balance in one trade. That has happened on other platforms! It’s sad to see.

The answer comes down to providing sufficient incentives to liquidity providers to deposit their funds with uTrade. I’ve already mentioned a few different ways that the Protocol does that. We have also seen the unique nature of UP lead to some very profitable opportunities for users on low liquidity pairings. One of the best ways to deal with that is making it profitable for those who do choose to participate.

`关于 uTrade 有趣的是,即使在这种情况下,所有的 UP 持有者也会受益。这就是 Unifi 对矿工如此友好的原因。我想指出的是,uTrade 的最大交易限额是可用流动性的 1%,这意味着平台上的用户不可能在一笔交易中犯错误而失去全部余额。这在其他平台上也发生过,这是一个悲剧。

答案归结为向流动性提供者提供足够的激励,使其向 uTrade 存入资金。我已经提到了该协议的几种不同方式。我们还看到,UP 的独特性质为低流动性配对的用户带来了一些非常有利可图的机会。解决该问题的最佳方法之一是使那些确实选择参与的人从中获利。`

暴富用户 2:

会在 bsc 上推出 unifi 协议吗?


Juliun Brabon:We are actually in talks with a number of different blockchains and projects. There is a lot of interest in Unifi Protocol, as it is unique in the space.

We definitely plan on expanding, as you can tell by our launch schedule (3 chains in 2 months with more scheduled). Binance Smart Chain is a great option we are exploring.

实际上,我们正在与许多不同的区块链和项目进行谈判。人们对 Unifi 协议很感兴趣,因为它在这个领域是独一无二的。

我们肯定会扩大规模,从我们的上市计划就可以看出(2 个月内已经上了三个主链,还有更多计划中的主链)。Binance 链是我们正在探索的一个很好的选择。

暴富用户 3:

Unifi 会有跨链技术实现全平台的资产交互吗?


Juliun Brabon:The short answer is, yes, we have a novel solution to this problem that can maintain the on chain, decentralized core of the industry without a trusted 3rd party. We’re looking forward to discussing this more in the future. It’s very exciting.


暴富用户 4:

请问中心化存储(filecoin)与 DeFi 技术是否可以结合新的区块链生态?


Juliun Brabon:Without getting into too many details here, I would say the “invention” of Defi has opened up the gates to all sorts of ideas. People tend to think it’s restricted to trading, or maybe even lending or flashpools. But honestly, the world of finance is massive and has endless opportunities, if you can think of them. So of course any number of those ideas may work with any number of chains or coins.

I would urge you to join the Unifi community channel and discuss more there!


暴富用户 5:

请问 unifi 是否会融入 NFT 的玩法


Juliun Brabon:NFTs are very interesting and I think there is a lot of untapped potential there. Much of blockchain is just starting out, and just like DeFi, NFT is something that has not yet matured. I expect there will still be much innovation to come in the NFT portion of blockchain. One of the great parts of Unifi is that it is a protocol, not a product. This means developers can build onto Unifi to allow interactions with NFTs. This could certainly be something we see more of in the future.


我们今天的 AMA 到此结束,想进一步了解 UNIFI 以及其动态的家人们,可以通过以下方式关注它们的最新进展:



TRON 版 uTrade:tron.unifiprotocol.com

ONTOLOGY 版 uTrade: ontology.unifiprotocol.com


白皮书 v1.2: pan.baidu.com/s/17_HsXaVbVPTB0VKMvF3ngA 提取码: jd9t


Medium: medium.com/@unifiprotocol


微信公众号:unifi protocol 中文

微博:UnifiProtocol 中文


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